Skating on the Capitals Rink
- Dress appropriately. The rink is cold so don't forget to wear layers and comfortable athletic clothing. Helmets are recommended for all skaters in addition to gloves, socks that come above the ankles, and extra padding. Skaters are welcome to visit the Pro Shop for skates and athletic gear.
- For young and inexperienced skaters, consider enrolling in a Learn to Skate Session and attending a weekday public session.
- Follow the Skate Guard's directions and requests and skate with the flow of traffic.
- All skaters must be wearing their wristband on the ice as well as skates. No shoes allowed.
- Both hockey and figure skates are available for rent. We do not have half sizes. Hockey skates run a little bigger than shoe sizes. Figure skates are usually the same.
- No cameras, cell phones, headphones, backpags, large bags, or purses are allowed on the ice.
- No cones, buckets, or walkers are allowed on the ice to assist new skaters as these can create a danger for others. Carrying small children is also forbidden.
- No hockey sticks or pucks are permitted on Public Skates, but patrons are free to wear full hockey gear.
- Please do not skate through the center of the rink in between the four cones. The center of the ice is for skaters working on maneuvers.
Sick of being on the ice with rowdy children? WE GOT YOU! Now introducing Adult Swim. If you’re 21+ and wanting to work on your hockey skills, figure skating elements, broom ball trick shots, OR JUST SKATING come on up.
Adult swim is geared toward the adult beginning skater that wants to work on their skills without the intimidation of experienced skaters whirling all around them. Lessons are permitted on Adult Swim. Cost $15. Click HERE to register.
Click here to view available sessions and to register! You must be enrolled before coming to the facility.